Minnesota State University, Mankato, February 2009 – Present
Public university of 17,900 total students, 3,200 residential students, 10% international
Manage unit operations, a $975,000 budget, human resources, and related administrative functions. Received $425,000+ in grants and in-kind services.
Lead, train, and evaluate 5 full-time staff, 12 undergraduate staff, 4 graduate advisors, 4 graduate interns, 4 undergraduate interns, 12 undergraduate programmers, and over 150 undergraduate volunteers.
Program consultant in the student union’s $2.4 million auditorium renovation and the $4.2 million ballroom renovation.
Promote the development, coordination, and implementation of a comprehensive approach to undergraduate programs, activities, leadership, and engagement with a focus on campus programs, leadership development, clubs and organizations, nontraditional students, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Community Engagement service learning, and off-campus housing. Annually produce late night programs, a leadership series, and 3 annual leadership retreats. Host a leadership podcast library.
Collaborate across the curriculum for Orientation, Fall and Spring Welcome Week, Homecoming, and Family Weekend. Assist with the Annual Mankato International Festival (the 2nd largest international event in the state of Minnesota).
Serve as an advisor for the Student Events Team hosting campus traditions, film, comedy, special events, speakers, and concerts throughout the academic year and impromptu House of Serendipity programming.
Advise Community Engagement staff on service-learning opportunities in Greater Mankato as well as Recognized Student Organization advisors on Alternative Spring Break domestically and with international excursions.
Direct and advise 240+ Recognized Student Organizations in planning events, symposia, conferences, and meetings through an on-line electronic registration process
Manage the Creation Station, assist Graphic Design in marketing and advertising, collaborate with IT on the Student Activities webpage development and the University’s Marketing and Creative Productions.
Campus Judicial Board Hearing Officer. Interfraternity Council Hearing Board Officer.
Washington State University, July 2006 – March 2008
Public university of 18,200 total students, 4,500 residential students
Oversaw unit operations, a $1.5 million budget, human resources, and related administrative functions. Received $60,000+ in grants and in-kind services.
Led, trained, and evaluated 7 full-time staff, 3 full-time clerical staff, five graduate assistants, 3 interns, and over 100 undergraduate volunteers.
Program consultant to the $86 million, 240,000 sq. ft. Silver LEED-certified building renovation.
Hosted 365 Registered Student Organizations in the planning of events, symposia, conferences, and meetings through an online electronic registration process.
Annually produced 12 late night programs, 6 gallery exhibitions, 10 art a la carte events, and co-produced Springfest with over 6,000 students attending.
Promoted the development, coordination, and implementation of a comprehensive approach to undergraduate programs, activities, leadership, and engagement at 4 annual cultural conferences and a 150-member leadership retreat. This included but was not limited to: providing leadership through collaborative development of the departmental mission, strategic plan, goals, priorities, and policies which enhanced the holistic student experience; fostering an atmosphere of respect, passion, and appreciation for all aspects of student, community and cultural life; supporting all students and staff with excellence and celebration of diversity; preparing students and staff to be innovative leaders and participants in a diverse global society.
Co-managed a leadership resource library.
Advised the Associated Students of Washington State University executive staff and cultural committees.
Managed Image Shop media, advertising, marketing, and web pages.
University of California, San Diego, January 2004 – June 2005
Research I, public university of 30,000 total students, 13,280 residential students
Led and directed the operations of the University Centers, which included the Price Center, Student Center, and Che Café. The community center of the campus, the University Centers is visited by 20,000+ people daily and includes extensive dining, retail, conference and meeting spaces, performing arts, lounge, computer, and office facilities. Over 15,000 meetings and events are held annually in the Centers, which measure over 200,000 sq. ft. (375,000 sq. ft. in 2007).
Consulted architects, engineers, and designers on a 174,000 square foot, $63 million Price Center expansion. Managed six University Centers units: Scheduling and Events, Operations, Technical Services, Custodial Services, Maintenance and Grounds, Bike Shop, and Game Room. Combined they included 22 career employees and over 125 student employees and a $2 million+ budget including a conference program that generated $400,000+ in revenue annually and $6 million+ in sales revenue. Managed the union art gallery. Worked with the University Centers Human Resource Specialist and Student Life Cluster Staff Development Committee to create a comprehensive program for staff training and development for career and student employees. Developed and coordinated the University Centers annual employee orientation and recognition program.
Prepared, updated, and distributed operation manuals that included information on staff responsibilities, building policies, task checklists and procedures, and protocols for responding to incidents and emergencies. Made program adjustments or policy modifications as needed.
Collaborated with Student Activities and 425+ recognized student clubs and organizations.
Served on the University Centers senior management team and served as Acting Director in the Director's absence. Co-chair for the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. Hosted “Stop the Hate” (a diversity train the trainer program) in collaboration with the Association of College Unions International.
American University, Washington, D.C., April 2002 – December 2003
Private university of 12,000 total students, 2,500 residential undergraduates
Co-managed a $2 million budget. Directed a 24-hour 300,000 square foot university center including staffing, maintenance, and facility renovations—building included meeting and conference rooms, entertainment venues, and eating establishments. Collaborated with the Senior Director and Student Activities staff in strategic planning. Developed a compelling vision for facility staffing, training, and management that generated excitement and engagement from the University’s diverse constituencies from 150+ countries and 50 states.
Summer 2003 completed phase two of a million dollar Italian food concept. Summer 2002 completed a $500,000 food concept for Chick-Fil-A and Jamba Juice.
Managed 2 professional staff on campus-wide university event scheduling. Supervised a paraprofessional team of 40 for set-up and support services required for University Center events. Oversaw the campus information desk and information display functions.
Collaborated with student activities staff with 200+ student clubs and organizations, Student Confederation (student government), Student Union Board, and student-led cable television, radio, newspaper, and yearbook.
Advised a student initiative transportation program with an average of 1100 annual trips.
Assisted the Senior Director in reviewing, formulating, implementing, and communicating the University Center’s policies and procedures.
Advisor to the Free Burma Student Organization--spent time along the war-torn region between Burma and Thailand working with non-governmental organizations on landmine proliferation, HIV/AIDS education, and removing children in brothels.
Judicial Board Hearing Officer. Member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Advisory Board.
Florida International University, Miami, Florida, July 1994 – April 2002
Public, Research I university of 44,000 total students, 3,000 residential students
Co-managed a $1.5 million budget. Managed a 130,000 square foot student union including staffing, maintenance, and facility upgrades. In 2002, co-facilitated phase-one of a $4.5 million fitness center and food court addition. Completed in 2000, a $350,000 auditorium renovation with art gallery and reception area. In 1996, completed a $7 million building addition and renovation including 30,000 sf with a grand ballroom, conference rooms, art gallery, administrative offices, restrooms, and storage.
In 1998 and 1999, raised over $550,000 for undergraduate scholarships as a member of the Wolfe University Center Advisory Board.
Negotiated contracts in excess of $1 million with outside vendors.
Managed professional staff on campus-wide university event scheduling. Supervised an undergraduate team of 12 for set-up and support services. Oversaw the campus information desk and information display functions with professional staff and 8 undergraduates. Managed 4 undergraduate staff with College for Kids, an after-school childcare program.
Formulated and interpreted policies and procedures relating to the scheduling of the Center. Supervised nine custodians. Supervised and trained a seventy-member student team including hours, training, evaluation, and staff development.
Assisted the Associate Director for Campus Life in advising the Student Programming Committee for the lecture and film series, comedy shows, Homecoming, Welcome Week, and Family Weekend.
Chairperson for the United Way Kick-off and Presidential Leadership Reception.
Judicial Board Hearing Officer.
South Florida Olympic Soccer Organizing Committee, Miami, Florida, April 1996 – June 1996
EQUESTRIAN TEAM INTERN, Seoul, Korea/Equestrian Training Center, Ocala, Florida, Summer 1988
Provided for the convenience, comfort and entertainment of the World’s best soccer players, their coaches, and staff during the 1996 Summer Olympics.
Developed exciting activities, created a relaxing environment, and facilitated opportunities for residents to interact within the Olympic Village.
Supervised 20 volunteers including training, hours, and staff development.